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Greener Grass, Safer Lawns

Seeding Services

Mechanical (i.e. slice seeding) and overseeding are key steps in the Pure Solutions organic lawn care program, helping to establish that lush, green lawn your neighbors will envy.

Our seeding services are all encompassing, guaranteeing you the best results for a healthy, natural yard year round. At Pure Solutions slice seeding happens in the spring while  overseeding happens in the fall in conjunction with our aeration services.

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Pure Solutions
Tall Fescue Seed Varieties


  • Enhanced ability to spread with its patented seed technology featuring rhizomes
  • Faster at establishing than other Tall Fescue varieties
  • Deep rooting abilities to help during long periods of drought
  • Proven to save 30% more water on some properties
  • Advantageous ability to grow in semi-shaded areas
  • Ability to grow under lower fertility conditions
  • Very dark, lush green color
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Pure Solutions Perennial Ryegrass Seed Varieties


  • Enhanced ability to spread with its patented seed technology featuring rhizomes
  • Increased wear tolerance, which helps with the high traffic areas
  • Performs well during warmer temperatures
    • Most ryegrass varieties become very weak in warmer temperatures
  • One of the most tested and proven Ryegrass varieties in use on athletic fields
  • Quick and efficient establishment
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Pure Solutions Kentucky Bluegrass Seed Varieties


  • Efficient, rapid germination and establishment
  • Excellent density and color
  • Grass has excellent ability to recover after dry periods
  • Strong disease resistance
  • Ability to grow in semi-shaded areas
  • Ability to grow under lower fertility conditions
  • Provides early competition against weeds
  • Top performer in NTEP trials

Why You Should Make the Switch

  • Every year millions of pounds of harmful, toxic pesticides are used across the United States on home lawns.
  • According to the EPA, traditional lawn chemicals can put children and pets at risk.
  • Healthy Organic lawns can help offset climate change by sequestering carbon dioxide.
  • Organic lawns use less water.
  • No leaching of chemicals into valuable drinking resources.
  • Organic lawns are more stress tolerant.
Mass Seeding
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How Pure Solutions Seeding Services Work

We have been seeding lawns as part of our organic turf care program for over a decade but it is still a new concept to many homeowners. Seeding services help repair damaged areas and inhibit weed growth while also improving the health of your entire lawn by establishing a quality, sustainable variety of grass. Seeding improves grasses damaged by drought, heavy foot traffic and heat. There are two types of seeding: slice seeding and overseeding.

Cole Slice Seeding
Slice Seeding (i.e. Mechanical Seeding)

Slice seeding, typically done in the spring, involves planting grass seed directly into your existing lawn to help repair damaged areas and inhibit weed growth while also improving the health of your entire lawn by establishing a quality, sustainable variety of grass. Mechanical Seeding improves grasses damaged by drought, heavy foot traffic and heat.

We utilize state-of-the-art slice seeders. These machines allow us to plant grass seeds directly into the existing lawn in an optimized and efficient manner. This machine makes small grooves in the soil, then deposits the seed into the slit. The teeth of the machine are calibrated to give you a perfectly uniform planting bed. This service enables rapid and compact grass growth by optmizing soil to seed contact.


Overseeding occurs in the fall, this broadcast strategy helps cover your total lawn in seed. We overseed in conjunction with our aeration services this allows for water, nutrients and airflow to get into the roots of your grass to promote deeper root growth in advance of the colder months. Aeration also helps the seeds to get below ground level which contributes to maintaining a lush green lawn.

Seeding twice a year is ideal for our organic lawns because a thick turf stand helps crowd out other weeds from growing.

Seeding Services

Frequently Asked Questions

To seed a lawn, choose the right time and high-quality grass seed. Prepare the soil, add fertilizer, spread the seed evenly, and water gently. Keep soil consistently moist until the grass has established, which usually takes 2-3 weeks. Maintain the lawn by mowing, watering, and fertilizing according to the recommended schedule for your specific grass type.

Pure Solutions Progaea Blends

Pureganix Elite   |   Pureganix Shade   |   Pureganix Sports

Our mixes are designed to help with the sustainability and longevity of our customers’ lawns. At Pure Solutions, we pride ourselves on providing the best results with minimal impact on our clients’ property and the environment. We seed in the springtime using raw seed but in the fall all of our seed is coated to better our germination and cut down on watering.

We have teamed up with Barenbrug USA to come up with these seed offerings to make sure we are providing the best results with seed varieties that have been heavily researched and proven in the field. A few varieties in our mix are TWCA (Turfgrass Water Conservation Alliance) certified. The alliance is committed to water conservation in the turf industry. These varieties undergo vigorous testing to meet their standards and have to be re-tested every 8 years to make sure it is still up to par.

Start our proven and effective lawn care program today!