Pure Solutions Lawn Care and Pest Control Licensing Opportunities
Why Pure Solutions? Our strong brand, industry-leading service methods, and sought-after products. That’s why.

We want to make our environmentally sustainable services available in every community. As a licensee, you gain access to our proprietary PROGAEA™ products and services and a plan for success. With our support and a minimal initial investment, you can own and operate a successful Pure Solutions location in your community.

Supporting Healthy Communities
With the rise of Lyme disease, West Nile Virus, and other vector-borne diseases, the need for safer outdoor pest control is more prevalent than ever before. The rapidly growing demand for a safer alternative to traditional pesticide is answered by Pure Solutions’ state-of-the-art service application methods and proven-effective product, PROGAEA™ Tick & Mosquito.
Kyle LaCroix, Licensee
“It has been an amazing experience starting my own Pure Solutions location. In 2011, Brian and Trevor presented to me the opportunity, and their excitement and drive were contagious. That was when I truly realized the definition of what it meant to be an entrepreneur. I felt that I always had that same desire, but never had the opportunity to plant the seed. They gave me the opportunity, and immediately I was given the tools to get started. Since Pure Solutions already existed for some time, I was, and still am able to take advantage of avoiding some of the growing pains of starting my own business alone. I have been so fortunate to get in with a young company that is excited to go to work every single day and make a difference by taking quantified risks and seeing the rewards. There is something very special that sets Pure Solutions apart from any other company or franchise, and it has been the best decision of my life to jump on board with them.”